Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Autumn Nature Table





And  a picture of a silly boy and his dad


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Daybook: A Quiet Moment

I’m going to put this at the beginning; this program I’m using to publish the blog leaves weird spaces that I cannot edit, but might be edited out once I publish as a matter of course.  So if it looks weird – honest I tried.

I am listening to…

Noah, our cat, purring.  Cars passing outside the house. A fish tank filter whirring.   And except for a few yells of excitement coming from the basement… quiet.

Outside my window…

My blinds are closed right now.  There is sun shining around them.

I am wearing…

My brown Eddie Bauer pants with a cream colored pull-over with snaps along the v-neck.  My Immaculate Medal.  My favorite blue sweater (which is really a maternity sweater) with a zipper front and pockets.  And wool socks given to my by my LH (loving husband).

I am thankful for…

Alaska was running a fever yesterday, but it seems to be getting better and I’m glad it hasn’t gotten worse.  He still has a bad cough that if it gets worse he’ll go to the doctor.  For that matter I’m thankful Button and DB haven’t gotten it either as they are still young and I think it would be worse for them.

I am pondering…

A private prayer to St. Therese of Lisieux and how God gives us what we want in the time it is meant to be given. 

I am reading…

In my ultra-spare time -- the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan.  Edison started this and very enthusiastically recommended them.  I have to say they are pretty funny and very fast paced.  It is fun to read a series with a son who has actually done the reading first and wants his mom to read too.

I am creating…

Christmas gifts.  Some for Edison and Alaska.  Some for others in the family. We bought the material for the boys gifts a couple of weeks ago, and I think this weekend we might get a chance to get started on them, but we have a few outdoor projects that need to get done first, so we’ll see.  (I’m apparently creating a run-on sentence too).

Towards a real education…

I am still working out the kinks of my schedule with the boys.  This is a never ending process.  Schedules, blah!  I think some poor angel falls over in exhaustion every time I try to sit down a come up with a schedule.  I know I do.  It would be humorous if it weren’t so darn humbling.

Now we do all our subjects, it’s not that (relax).  It is just done on the fly and rather me scrambling every day. 

Towards rhythm and beauty…

It is fall and I need to get our seasonal table up and going.  I think I’m going to do at least two tables (maybe three as I think DB will have a fit if Button destroys his fall finds.  And I think DB needs one that he can touch and feel without the older two, who are more aesthetically inclined, getting angry at him).  It is complicated.  Dawn gave me the idea over here (lest you think I was being overly original).

Time, also, to come up with a fall menu.  One that accommodates cubscout meetings, leaders meetings, robotics club, and soccer practices.  Hmm…I see a few crockpot recipes in my future.

Towards living the liturgy…

My prayer life is all over the place.  Still present, but inconsistent in content.  Today is the feast day of St. Therese of Lisieux.  I said a very inconsistent novena to her.  I hope she understands.  St.  Therese is my confirmation name and after all these years she is still the one I run to.  Ok St. Jude too – when I feel all hopeless.  St. Anne when I need help as a mother.  Ditto, that last one to Mary, the mother of God, and I also give her my every intention to so she can lay them at the feet of Christ (or place them loving around his heart).  Hmm… the angels every minute of the day help me out.  OK, it is a small spiritual fleet that I rely on, but life is well (what’s the word of the day) complicated.

Having said all that, I need to find a more consistent prayer life.  Right now this is barely holding it together.  I’ll be working on this.

Outside our home…

I am amazed, but the mums the boys planted back on Mother’s Day weekend are still in bloom!  They are beautiful and were so lovingly planted by Edison and Alaska.  If possible, I think they look better now than they did in May. 

Around the house…

Let’s not go there.  It’s actually not complicated.  Take one part baby boy, another part preschooler, a slightly overwhelmed mama and mix.

But as Elizabeth said in her Daybook:

So, the house looks a bit peaked this weekend and I am reminding myself that being ill-at-ease when my house reflects good priorities is a sin of sensuality. If it makes me nuts that the house is a mess because I've spent my time loving my children well, then that's my problem and I need to take it to prayer--and confession.

My job is to double check those good priorities.

On keeping home…

There’s that angel falling flat on her little angelic noggin again.

Plans for the week (and beyond)…

My plan is to keep close to home for a few weeks.  The holidays will be here soon enough and we’ll have to go out more for the festivities and preparations, but for now we can curl up for a couple of weeks and just enjoy the brisk autumn air and warm house.

A few pictures I thought I’d share…

Apples and Fall 2009 004

Alaska and his wildflower bouquet.

Apples and Fall 2009 006

We went apple picking!

DB and Alaska at the apple orchard

Apples and Fall 2009 007

Edison declared “this is the perfect apple”

Apples and Fall 2009 005

Button just being the happy companion.

September 2009 005

This is another picture of Button I thought I’d share, soo tired.

Happy Autumn!