Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer is....

I know you are probably expecting lots of this...
 And you wouldn't be completely wrong.  But we are also going to be doing a lot of this too...

We'll be taking our vacation this fall to work around Edison's new high school schedule.  The dog days of summer are going to feel a little more like the busy bee days.  I know this sounds cruel, but really a little work now means the end of next school year will be less hectic and more relaxed. 

Of course there is always fun to be had.  Even the boxes the books arrived in were entertainment.

Hope your summer is going well!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

So It's Been Awhile...

I know I hate the fact it's been so long too.  But we get wrapped up in our days and by the evening I'm tired and still trying to crunch in the last remaining bits of my time toward different useful things and the next thing I know it's been a really long time since I've updated the family blog.

A change.  Alaska now wants to be called Monkey Man (yup).  Here is why.
Actually he does more fantastic things than that, but for the life of me I'm having trouble finding them in our picture collection.  The downside of waiting too long to post pictures

Edison has been busy lately also.  He's been participating in his 4-H robotics club for the past two years.  This year he was a team member and learned to build and drive the robot.  His team competed and won the Excellence award (the top award) at the Mid-Atlantic Competition and they won the Excellence award for their division at the World Championship.

Also, this past Saturday Edison was confirmed in the Catholic faith.

Ok, so here it is.  I had to stop the post early because it was getting late and my eyes were crossing over,  I had the thought that I'd return the next morning to finish.  Over night Button became sick and was up several times (think changing sheets, changing night clothes, lots of laundry, crying baby boy).  So the next day everyone was TIRED.  I cam back today and blogger is being annoying about letting me edit my post.  Soooo....grrr.. I'm going to put this up as is.  Actually bloggers little fits is why I stopped posting last year.  I did not have the time to baby the program the way it apparently needs to be pampered and what not.

Before I go here is a picture of Edison on the day of his confirmation (yes, he's taller than I am now and gaining on his father).