Monday, July 27, 2009

Baptism and Birthdays!

I am a delinquent blogger. I'm sorry for taking so long with the photos.
July 25th was Button's special day where he was washed of the stain of sin and brought into our church was beautiful. I'm always at awe at how the ordinary gets transformed in the Sacraments.

We were pleasantly surprised when the Monsignor was the celebrant for the Baptism. We usually have a deacon give this sacrament -- which is good too.

Our long time friends blessed us by being Button's Godparents. It was a wonderful day.

But there were birthday celebrations too!

One in his last year before he is officially a teen and the other who is turning the corner of his first year. Both stretching forward to new beginnings.

They were bored. It was hot. What to do....?

It might be hard to see, but DannyBoy could really get some distance!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Are They Too Polite?

Alaska came downstairs a couple of evenings ago while we were sitting on the couch talking and watching TV. He waits patiently until there is a break in the conversation and says:

"Um, well, you might want to know the toilet upstairs is overflowing."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our Summer in Pictures ...At least some of it

These are some of our days...I have an appalling ability to forget my camera when we go places and do things, but I'll try to be better in the future. (You can click on any picture to enlarge it)

Summer Beginnings

We are a couple months into our summer and have been very busy. Alaska (my frontier boy) just finished his second camp for cubscouts with his dad who was the den leader for the second one, Edison (my thoughtful innovator) is looking into the 4-H robotics club, Dannyboy (he has those Irish eyes) is tagging along and likes to swing and went for his first trip to the zoo, Button (as in cute as a) also went on his first trip to the zoo and this Saturday will receive the sacrament of Baptism.

This summer the house received a new water heater, air conditioner, and furnace (and to think we could have gone to Disney World!). We also painted the front door and garage doors, and replaced most of the wood trim around the roof. Oh yeah sanded and stained the deck, pressure washed the swing set, cleaned and organized the kitchen...I think that is all. Wow, I didn't realize how busy we've been!

In between I'm preparing for next years lessons and playing with the little guys and listening to all the remarkable ideas and thoughts the two older ones come up with, and trying to get enough sleep so I can keep up with it all.

I'm keeping this blog open to mostly family and friends, but we will have the blog names (at least for the kids) to preserve some privacy here on the big web.

Today, Alaska is sick with a stomachache, DB and Edison are playing video games on separate consoles (I hope to do more with them later -- my original plans were changed since Alaska isn't feeling well), Button is sleeping now which is why his mama is able to sit and get this blog up and running.

For the family -- I'll post pictures I promise.