Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why I’ve been a delinquent blogger

I’ve been thinking a lot about this blog lately, but not really posting.  Part of it is that originally I thought I’d just post family pictures of the boys mostly and that would be it.  But then I thought of all the other stuff I’d like to post about and I felt kind of confined by this original arrangement. 

Edison has expressed an interest in keeping up with the blog and I think in order to do accommodate him some other parts of our world will leak in and soon this will be more than I had originally planned, but as with most things that is what makes life fuller than we think it will be.

Other more practical reasons why I’ve not been blogging is just the logistics of time.  This time of year is the beginning of our school year.  As homeschoolers that means more prep-work and an adjustment to a new home rhythm as well as the usual things that go on in any household during the school year.

There is soccer practice, robotics club, a new homeschool group to be involved with and fieldtrips.  We’ve already been on a few and I hope to do a few posts on those.

That’s all for now.  I hope this post finds you well.