Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer is....

I know you are probably expecting lots of this...
 And you wouldn't be completely wrong.  But we are also going to be doing a lot of this too...

We'll be taking our vacation this fall to work around Edison's new high school schedule.  The dog days of summer are going to feel a little more like the busy bee days.  I know this sounds cruel, but really a little work now means the end of next school year will be less hectic and more relaxed. 

Of course there is always fun to be had.  Even the boxes the books arrived in were entertainment.

Hope your summer is going well!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

So It's Been Awhile...

I know I hate the fact it's been so long too.  But we get wrapped up in our days and by the evening I'm tired and still trying to crunch in the last remaining bits of my time toward different useful things and the next thing I know it's been a really long time since I've updated the family blog.

A change.  Alaska now wants to be called Monkey Man (yup).  Here is why.
Actually he does more fantastic things than that, but for the life of me I'm having trouble finding them in our picture collection.  The downside of waiting too long to post pictures

Edison has been busy lately also.  He's been participating in his 4-H robotics club for the past two years.  This year he was a team member and learned to build and drive the robot.  His team competed and won the Excellence award (the top award) at the Mid-Atlantic Competition and they won the Excellence award for their division at the World Championship.

Also, this past Saturday Edison was confirmed in the Catholic faith.

Ok, so here it is.  I had to stop the post early because it was getting late and my eyes were crossing over,  I had the thought that I'd return the next morning to finish.  Over night Button became sick and was up several times (think changing sheets, changing night clothes, lots of laundry, crying baby boy).  So the next day everyone was TIRED.  I cam back today and blogger is being annoying about letting me edit my post.  Soooo....grrr.. I'm going to put this up as is.  Actually bloggers little fits is why I stopped posting last year.  I did not have the time to baby the program the way it apparently needs to be pampered and what not.

Before I go here is a picture of Edison on the day of his confirmation (yes, he's taller than I am now and gaining on his father).

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yes, the inevitable I've gotten behind on posting catch up post!

I'll be honest I've forgotten what I last posted and I'm just going to jump in where we are right nowish.  Some of this is looking back over the past month.

DannyBoy played soccer this year!  His first year and he is team Brazil thus he was very lucky to have his favorite color on his uniform.  They finished their games this week and he's looking forward to getting a trophy like his brothers.  Alaska played this year with Stan co-coaching his team, but some how we missed taking pictures so far (yes, I'm that lousy about pictures).

Oh, yeah here is a cute picture of Button on PopPop's truck.

Ok, here's another one because it's been so long.  Just up from naptime loaded with pacies (photo taken by DannyBoy).

Hmm...I'm looking through my pictures and I am now remembering all the times I said, "Shoot I forgot to bring my camera."  Sooo......

Here are some fun pictues of DannyBoy and Button and we'll call this their special post!

This is Button's Little Prince phase -- he wear's Daddy's coach's shirt or Mommy's sweaters and he walks around looking very regal.

 And have you Dino Danned?

They insisted on lining up their dinosaurs for the show. 

And finally do you remember that balloon from Button's birthday (scroll down a little)?

It sort of still lives on.  That's why I never feel cheated when I buy Mylar balloons (they last forever).

Well Button is up from his nap so I need to get going.  There will be more posts soon.  I decided not to squish all our photos in one post (I know, novel idea).

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Before Summer Ends Daybook

Outside My Window:

It is cloudy and cool.   I was actually able to open the windows yesterday for a little bit and air out the house.

I am Listening to:
The slight hum of the dishwasher as it finishes its cycle and occasionally the whirring of a circular saw (my neighbors are having some work done on their house).

I am grateful for:
-Little boys who accept their punishments with grace.
-A cat who enjoys my company.
-A husband who takes on a lot both at work and around the house.
-The fact that my family's and my health is doing well right now.

I am creating:
-Lesson plans
-Routines and Schedules
-To Do Lists
-Looking forward to Halloween outfits and making sure I pick up anything that would make a nice gift for Christmas (I know really early, but if I do a little at a time things go better).

My creative side is having to plan and do more practical things right now.  Other more creative projects are put on hold until the new school year begins and we're set in our new year.

  I am praying:
-For the repose of MomMom Marshall's soul and for Mom Marie and all MomMom's children and grandchildren who miss her.
-For my boys who will be starting the new school year next week.  I hope they make great strides in their life and learning.
-For Stan who is now the lead on a project at work (not to mention still assisting in many other projects) and is the den leader, soccer coach, robotics support crew for his children (and as always the chief fixer and planner around our house, and in charge of the Julie cheer-up team when things go awry).

A Few Plans for the Week:
Soccer has begun for DannyBoy and Alaska.  Alaska has practice twice a week this year.
I am finalizing my lesson plans for the boys and implementing it on Homeschool Tracker 
I use Sonlight which provides a schedule, but I play around with the books and schedule so much it becomes difficult to follow their schedule as written so I like the Homeschool Tracker for the ability to make and save lesson plans that I can use in the future.

Some Pictures to Share:

Alaska has been creating lots of gifts for his little brother and me.

 Button turned 2!  He had a Thomas the Tank Engine/Curious George themed party.  It was a wonderful, warm, but not too hot day, and we were able to have much of the party outside on our newly furnished deck.  The only sad part was MomMom Marshall's health was declining and we missed her and Grammy Marie and PopPop Butch.

Well my time for blogging has come and gone, but I'll leave you with one final picture.

DannyBoy say good-bye!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Day in May 2010

I've wanted to write about a day of ours for awhile just to have one that although probably not typical because we do things a little different every day gives a general idea.  There is no reason I chose today, just because I thought about it and I wanted to write something.
Edison is 12; Alaska is 9; DannyBoy is 4; and Button is 21 months

I woke up about 6:50am to Button making noises.  I went in an changed him and brought him downstairs to find Edison and Alaska already downstairs and just sitting quietly on the couch and chair.

I turned on the tv and they watched Martha Speaks and Curious George while I got their breakfast, my coffee, and Stan's lunch prepared.

At 8am DannyBoy came downstairs and I got him his toast, the only thing he'll eat in the morning these days.
Alaska, Edison, and I got dressed while Button ran around trying to get into everything he shouldn't.
I put away clothes in the drawer.

Edison and DB play on the keyboard at different times.

DB wants to play his video games, but I tell him he has to wait until this afternoon, this is not well received.

I made attempt number one at reading the next chapter in Savvy by Ingrid Law to the kids, but was interrupted by the two younger ones trying to destroy the lamp in the study.  I get the littles set up with Curious George 2 the movie, DB just plays the games in the Bonus Feature which doesn't really hold Button's interest too well.

I made attempt number two at trying to read the next chapter, but was interrupted by the cat throwing up.  This has to be cleaned up right away or Button will play in the mess if he finds it.  I gave up on reading a loud for the moment and gave the kids their reading to do: Edison is reading Wizard of Oz and Alaska is reading Third Grade Detectives #1.

I cleaned up throw up and stopped Button from pulling out the throw-up-ladden towels from out of the trashcan.  Went into the kitchen to discover a two inch long centipede -- killed centipede (yuck!).

Boys are finished reading books.  They narrated what they read.

Alaska is helping DB fly his remote-controlled helicopter.  The batteries in his remote control need to be replaced.  Button keeps grabbing the helicopter causing a lot of yelling.
Edison finds his remote control helicopter.  Some of them need to be recharged. And there is a lot of discussion to figure out why some of the remotes aren't working either.

I'm having a difficult in finding a good break for them and their helicopters and I still have school work I'd like them to do, but they are learning a lot about how to keep helicopters in the air and how to manage their younger, curious brothers.

I walk in the family room to discover that Button at some point has entertained himself by pulling out lots of wipes.

10:15 am Attempt number three at the read a loud was waylaid by DB helicopter remote not working and the older two very preoccupied about this occurrence.  Button was however happily watching the CG2.  DB is now saying he's hungry and I tell him to go get himself something to eat (I wonder if this is a good idea).  Finally, we get two chapters of the book read.  I tell the boys to do their math.

I walk into family room to discover that DB did get himself something to eat, he is sitting at the coffee table with the jar of honey, a spoon, and a straw inside the honey.  I discover a good use for all the wipes that Button had pulled out earlier considering DB and the table are very sticky.

Alaska finishes math and works on his spelling.  I get myself some lunch early (I rarely eat breakfast, but by 10:30-11am I am usually starving and eat my lunch early).

DB spys the chapsticks on the counter and plays with them (he calls them lipstick because they are different colors) he covers his mouth in chapstick.  I'm ok with this.

I remember the caterpillars on the counter-top have to be put in the butterfly hatchery.  Discover they are all in their chrysalises and need to transport them now.  Edison's math is interrupted by this discovery.  I luck out and find a hook in the basement very easily to hang the hatchery up on the ceiling where the cat and toddlers can't reach them (I hope).

There is much excitement and observation because the chrysalises are wiggling and we think they may hatch soon.  In between old brothers tell DB he looks like a clown.  DB does not like this.

CG2 has finished so Button is now on the loose again.  Edison is really not into his math and I have a feeling the butterflies may be the main thing today.  Tell him to work for twenty more solid minutes and then he can continue tomorrow, but he is watching the chrysalises.  This may not work today.

Younger ones are watching Dragon Tales while I type this in.  It is 11:44am.

Alaska finishes his handwriting and I review his spelling words with him.

I remember DB is still in nightclothes, he begged me earlier to let him wear them longer, but it is time to change him.  While upstairs getting cloths discover Button standing on back of couch to play with windows. Take him down from couch.

Change DB and remind him his father will take him to daycamp this summer if he does a good job using the potty.  He agrees enthusiastically.

Button takes me to where the helicopter is recharging and begs me to play with it.    I tell him not now, but Alaska plays with his for him until Edison tells him the noise is distracting him from his work.

The chrysalises have stopped shaking and we discuss why this may have happened.

Alaska asked to go play his video games.  I say yes, until lunch time.

Edison talks to me about Noah while I make lunch - he makes suggestions on how we can keep Noah from throwing up all the time, says we should have a family meeting about this soon.

Edison was almost all done his math work when he stopped it for lunch.

Lunch: Peanutbutter and honey sandwiches for older two and Dinosaur chicken for the younger two.  Cat tries to steal chicken from the younger two.  Button screams (squeals) at the cat until he chases him away.  He's really very effective.

After lunch Edison comes up with another way to improve his spelling skills.  He then works on his copywork/dictation.

I get vanilla waffers for DB.

 Edison and DB watch Alaska play his video game.  Stan calls and says he is canceling cubscouts tonight, but will still take Edison to robotics club.  And our deck furniture should be delivered today.

1pm  I changed Button and put him down for his nap.  Edison and DB played video game together to give me time to write.  This didn't work out too smoothly as they decided to play in family room and got too loud.

I wrote for an hour and a half.  DB interrupted a lot of times to tell me he was bored although I knew he had lots of things he could be doing so I didn't feel too bad.

Alaska and DB fought some. 

The deck furniture came.

3:30pm Button is making wake up noises. I get him up.

At  4pm I remember I was going to make the chicken tonight, but I'm now out of time (rats) so I go for the frozen lasagna and garlic bread option.

Stan gets home and begins putting together our patio furniture, DB helps him and is very happy to do big kid work.  Button is running around the family room and kitchen.

The older kids are soon recruited to help build patio furniture.

We hurriedly eat dinner because Edison has robotics club and the deck furniture still isn't finished being built.
I take Edison to club and Stan finishes building and joins him after it is built.

We are a half hour late getting the littles up for bedtime and my patience is at least an hour late as they are very wound up and not listening at this point.  I quickly get through the evening routine with them then go downstairs and write until Stan and Edison return from the club meeting.

9:30pm Stan and I retired early, I was for some reason very tired.

It was a very typical day, but not every day goes the same. 
So that was our day, I hope you had a good one too!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

By happy coincidence my crew is planting trees and shrubs around our yard today.
The day started off cool, got warm, and now is becoming cloudy and threatening to rain, but my guys are hanging in there digging and planting.

Stan's marking off where to plant the hedge.  And where are the plants for the hedge?

I hope you had a good Earth Day!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Another Catching Up Post

Well it has been a long while since I wrote anything in the blog.  Mostly because we've had a lot of illness this year which is kind of unusual for our family.  It also seems to go in a long looping cycle.  First one or two will get something and then the next two and by the time it has run its course the first two start with something new (or a variation of the old).  But, we've managed to squeeze in a few things here and there so I'll catch you up in pictures.

Alaska's den won Klondike for the third year in a row.

We were deluged with snow.

We celebrated a birthday -- Happy 9th Birthday Alaska!

Brothers enjoyed hanging out together.

Babies were caught in the act.

We donned our hats and went to the zoo.

I even braved my claustrophobia and went into the narrow and dark "cave" with the kids.

And Button was introduced to the giraffes.

We dyed a few eggs and celebrated the Risen Lord (unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of that this year -- uhgg!)

But mostly we just clowned around!

That's all!