Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yes, the inevitable I've gotten behind on posting catch up post!

I'll be honest I've forgotten what I last posted and I'm just going to jump in where we are right nowish.  Some of this is looking back over the past month.

DannyBoy played soccer this year!  His first year and he is team Brazil thus he was very lucky to have his favorite color on his uniform.  They finished their games this week and he's looking forward to getting a trophy like his brothers.  Alaska played this year with Stan co-coaching his team, but some how we missed taking pictures so far (yes, I'm that lousy about pictures).

Oh, yeah here is a cute picture of Button on PopPop's truck.

Ok, here's another one because it's been so long.  Just up from naptime loaded with pacies (photo taken by DannyBoy).

Hmm...I'm looking through my pictures and I am now remembering all the times I said, "Shoot I forgot to bring my camera."  Sooo......

Here are some fun pictues of DannyBoy and Button and we'll call this their special post!

This is Button's Little Prince phase -- he wear's Daddy's coach's shirt or Mommy's sweaters and he walks around looking very regal.

 And have you Dino Danned?

They insisted on lining up their dinosaurs for the show. 

And finally do you remember that balloon from Button's birthday (scroll down a little)?

It sort of still lives on.  That's why I never feel cheated when I buy Mylar balloons (they last forever).

Well Button is up from his nap so I need to get going.  There will be more posts soon.  I decided not to squish all our photos in one post (I know, novel idea).